Hickory Barbecue Battle with 3 Beers Down

Hickory Barbecue is in the spotlight as The Low & Slow Barbecue Show welcomes the beer aficionados from 3 Beers Down for the first-ever Hickory Holiday Meat Crawl! We taste and rate pulled pork from 6 Hickory barbecue restaurants that top the list for the “best” according to Hickory Metro social media channels and keyboard warriors. And choosing a winner is no easy task for the judges sampling smoked meat from Anywhere’z Fine, JD’s Smokehouse, Hugh’s Q, Cranford Brothers, The BBQ Pit, and Apple City BBQ. Listen for the food reviews and the decisions on which Hickory barbecue reigns supreme – at least when it comes to pulled pork. Don’t miss the winter beer recommendations from 3 Beers Down, especially the Cold Mountain 2024 release from Highland Brewing Company. From favorite holiday foods to the things we skip at the dinner table, this episode pairs perfectly with your holiday festivities.

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